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Contract Management & Service Level Agreements

Contract Management & Service Level Agreements

Course Description

This course is aimed at empowering and building the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes in contract management and service-level agreements.  It will primarily provide the competence on concluding and manage contracts as well as provide the tools to analyze contract risk and employ advanced contract management skills to mitigate risks across an organization in any sector.

Target audience

Individuals affected by various forms of Agreements across both public and private sector.

Duration of Course

  • 2 days

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the principles of basic contract management
  • Administer effective contracts
  • Manage and contract contracts effectively
  • Manage contractual risk
  • Understand the principles of service level agreements.

Course Outline

Unit 1: Introduction to contract management

Unit 2: Principles of contract management

Unit 3: Identifying and mitigating risk in contracts

Unit 4: Principles of service level agreements

Unit 5: Contract and service level agreement execution

Delivery Method

This course is a two day virtual training using Microsoft Teams.   It is interactive requiring participation and engagement with the course material.

Course Costing


Course Dates

24-25 April 2023

Established in 2019, the African Institute for Supply Chain Research (AISCR) provides supply chain research, education, outreach, and networking solutions for a better Africa.





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