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The course addresses the need for ethically driven procurement professionals, in view of good governance being tormented by fraud and corruption, especially in the public sector.  Fraud and corruption within the realm of procurement has negatively impacted benefits to society.

The course addresses issues like the pillars supporting unethical conduct within the field of public procurement; organizational culture; and ways to improve ethical conduct. It is envisaged that the course will highlight the need for broader collective efforts to fight the evil of unethical actions in public procurement.


  • Practitioners in the private and public sectors (supply chain units and their intermediaries)
  • Upper, middle level and lower-level management (supply chain units and their intermediaries)
  • Consultants


The course will focus on the following learning outcomes:

  1. Assess the various dimensions unethical behaviour, within the context of public procurement.
  2. Identify pillars supporting unethical conduct within the field of public procurement.
  3. Discuss how components of the organizational culture can promote unethical behaviour.
  4. Identify ways to improve ethical conduct.

Importance of values for the individual and organization:

  • Individual values
  • Organizational values
  • Synergy between individual and oganizational values; and ethics
  • Dimensions of ethical conduct- values, norms and virtues

Dimensions of unethical conduct

  • Tension dimension
  • Values dimension
  • Choice dimension
  • Context dimension

Pillars supporting unethical conduct within the field of public procurement

  • Patron- client networks
  • Poor management wisdom
  • Political interference
  • Non transparency
  • Dissipated accountability and monitoring
  • Grand corruption and contract bidding
  • Weak risk management
  • Lack of will to adopt  successful turnaround  strategies

Components of the organizational culture promoting unethical behaviour

  • Knowledge, skills and capacity
  • Compliance  adherence with SCM policy and regulations
  • Accountability,  monitoring and corrective action
  • Centralisation vs decentralization of the procurement system.
  •  Efficacy of  the Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policy

Systems guiding right decisions

  • Expected results (end result ethic)
  • What the law says (Rule)
  • Values of the organization (social contract)
  • Personal convictions (personalistic)

Ways to improve ethical conduct

  • Resoluteness about common values and norms
  • Strengthening moral communities
  • Embedding integrity
  • Integrating the compliance and integrity approaches
  • Robust internal control systems
  • Rigorous auditing mechanisms
  • Controlling political god-fatherism
  • Clear framework for transparency, openness and fairness

Training methodology

The course will be offered either online or as contact sessions. The delivery mode will be determined by the client, in collaboration with AISCR.

Course Costing


Course Dates

13-14 May 2024

10-11 September 2024

21-22 October 2024

Course Registration

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Established in 2019, the African Institute for Supply Chain Research (AISCR) provides supply chain research, education, outreach, and networking solutions for a better Africa.





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