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Doctoral Capacity Building Program

Most postgraduate students in Africa face challenges attaining their qualifications due to a lack of financial resources, and lack of adequate expertise capacity, and support. This often results in a high dropout rate accounting for almost 50% to 68%.

The Doctoral capacity development program aims to accelerate the progress of supply chain Doctoral Students in Africa to improve the quality of their research and completion rate through a structured six-month online course. The program will provide an opportunity for students to better understand the research process, improve student equity, career development, and personnel achievements; improve throughput, enhance the teaching process, improve learner support, and increase financial sustainability. The target audience is Doctoral students in supply chain management across the continent. The full cost can be provided upon request.

The date, time, and topics for the presentation are reflected below.

March29 March 2024Module 1: Introduction to Postgraduate Study
April09-11 April 2024Module 2: Writing a Research Proposal
May9-10 May 2024Module 3: Writing the Literature Review
June25-28 June 2024Module 4: Research Design and Methodology
July12-13 July 2024Module 5: Data Analysis and Interpretation for Beginners
August22-23 August 2024Module 6: Writing Articles from your Thesis or Dissertation
September25-27 September 2024module 7: Postgraduate Supervision for Emerging Supervisors
October09-11 October 2024Module 8: Resource Mobilisation and Grant Management

Sponsorship Packages for the Doctoral Capacity Building Programme

Gain recognition for being the premier sponsor of the Doctoral Capacity Building Program to empower African supply chain scholars.

Amount$15 000$10 000$ 5 000$2 500
Required Sponsors3458
Recognition of sponsor in branded marketing materials in promoting the program
Welcome letter as part of brochure handed out to all attendees
Recognition of sponsor in AISCR’s newsletter
Sponsor’s logo to appear on the holding slide of the presentations
Opportunity to speak to promote your product/service--
Sponsor logo to appear on the program registration page--
Inclusion of the sponsor’s logo and link to the website when promoting the program--
Provision of the attendee list, including contact information for the webinar to sponsor---

Established in 2019, the African Institute for Supply Chain Research (AISCR) provides supply chain research, education, outreach, and networking solutions for a better Africa.





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