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AISCR invites you to make a submission to the first issue of the African Supply Chain Review (ASCR). ASCR is a magazine of AISCR that provides a quarterly review of case studies and best practices covering the entire African supply chain community with the objective to contribute towards the improvement of problem-solving and decision-making among managers and practitioners at all levels of business . Our case studies and best practices span across the public and private sectors. Authors are required to submit articles on supply chain management case studies that reflect current trends and developments in both sectors. Articles submitted will undergo a double-blind review to ensure a high quality and standard of the magazine. Authors are encouraged to submit articles in the following areas:

  • Procurement
  • Public procurement
  • Logistics and transport as well as
  • Production and operations management.

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit original articles for consideration to: The due date for submission is the 30 May 2019. Articles should not exceed 2000 words and should be in accordance with the author guidelines. Author guidelines can be accessed at

Editor in Chief: Prof Chengedzai Mafini, Vaal University of Technology

Managing Editor: Dr Emmanuel Awuor, Management University of Africa

General information

ASCR is a magazine of AISCR that provides a quarterly review of case studies and best practices covering the entire African supply chain community with the objective to contribute towards the improvement of problem-solving and decision-making among managers and practitioners at all levels of business. Our case studies and best practices span across the public and private sectors. The magazine is not a research journal. The best contributions provide a context for supply chain case studies with examples, applications, illustrations as well as historical context.

The Audience

The readers of ASCR Magazine are supply chain researchers, students, practitioners, managers, executives  as well as policy decision makers.

Nature of ASCR manuscripts

  • ASCR magazineis responsible first to its readers and then to its authors.
  • Articles submitted to the Magazine should be written in a clear and lively expository style.
  • Please state your topic and objective and indicate your perspective as well as your professional relationship to the topic.
  • Articles must be objective and cannot promote an organisation or its products/services.
  • Manuscripts or abstracts should not have been published previously.
  • All manuscripts are subject to review and editing.
  • The editorial staff make all decisions regarding the publication of articles.
  • Articles should include relevant aspects and information expected in a regular research paper without being too detailed. It should provide a context and purpose, method, result and discussion, conclusion, theoretical and managerial implications of the results as well as references.

Writing Tips

  • Tell us your story on the case. Write something new in an appealing way, or write something old in a refreshing, new way. But write it clearly and directly, assuming a minimum of background.
  • Why is the topic important?
  • How will reading your article enhance supply chain practice?
  • Suggest strategies that readers could apply to their organisation (avoid vague, sweeping statements).


Articles should be submitted in the following format:

  • Articles should be written in third person, present tense.
  • Length: Approximately 1000 to 2000 words. (about 10 double-spaced, typed pages).
  • 2 images/graphics to illustrate the text that are recommended.
  • Text file types: Microsoft Word.
  • Font style: Times New Roman, font size 12, title bold, all caps, centered and make use of sub-headings (left aligned) if/where necessary.
  • All submissions should include the author’s name, title, company, a 35‐word author biography, address, phone, email, and website address.
  • Authors are responsible for: all internal clearances for articles prior to submission for publication; all statements made in their work; obtaining written reprint permission for illustrations and data previously published.

 Images and Graphics

  • Do not embed images in text documents, PowerPoint files, or emails.
  • Images should be at least four inches wide and 300 dpi.
  • Crediting information and captions must be provided.
  • Images used cannot be of a readily identifiable product in the market.
  • A max of two images, figures, and tables can be used in an article.


  • Please do NOT use endnotes or in-text citations.
  • Note the placement of the citation with superscript 1or in parentheses (1).
  • Works cited should be listed together at the end of the text.
  • Articles with more than five references will have the references listed on the online version only.

For Journal:

Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J.A.J., Lupton, R.A., 2010. The art of writing a scientific article. J. Sci. Commun. 163, 51–59.

For books:

Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 2000. The Elements of Style, fourth ed. Longman, New York.

Established in 2019, the African Institute for Supply Chain Research (AISCR) provides supply chain research, education, outreach, and networking solutions for a better Africa.





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