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Supply Chain Student Case Competition​

The Student Case Competition provides an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate supply chain students to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize a supply chain management problem and present its implications to developing countries

Learn about the Student Case Competition

1. Overview of the Student Case Competition

The case competition allows students to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize a supply chain management problem and present its implications to developing countries.  Students must register and work in teams of three to five from the same university or different universities and colleges. Students will compete within their regions (Africa, Asia, America, and Europe). Teams participating in the case competition must prepare for a virtual presentation to Africa Institute of Supply Chain Research (AISCR) members and recognized industry experts. The top three winning teams will be awarded prizes and will present their work at the conference. Additionally, the first three winners will receive career mentorship and coaching in supply chain practice. This competition helps students enhance their strategic thinking skills by examining actual supply chain situations and problems that industries encounter. It also develops students’ capacity for sound judgment, critical thinking, efficient operation, and effective communication in today’s dynamic business environment.

2.  Eligibility Requirements

  • All applicants must follow the following eligibility requirements:
  • Students must enroll in full-time undergraduate or postgraduate programs.
  • No more than 50% of team members may be master’s degree candidates,
  • Doctoral degree candidates should not be included
  • Team members may be from different academic programs but must be from the same University/College.
  • Each team must appoint a team leader and the role of each member must be clearly explained during the presentation
  • No faculty or other professional assistance is allowed in solving the case.
  • Each case competition entry will present a solution to the 2024 AISCR conference thematic areas
  • Complete the online Submission form
  • Abide by the Ethical Standards on the originality of the work
  • Submit a PowerPoint presentation (not PDF) and Word document that contains your case analysis
  • A blinded review process will demand that your file should not be related to the AISCR organizing committee, name, or university. Do not include such information in your presentation slides.

3. Case study Information

Student teams must identify one case study focusing on digitalization, AI, and Emerging Technologies in Supply Chain Management. Analyze the case and bring out implications that are relevant for the African development sectors e.g.  health, agriculture, etc

4. Certification and Awards


Each participating team will receive a certificate of participation.


Each of the top three teams will get the following: –

  • First Prize:
  • A US$500 gift will be awarded to each team member.
  • Opportunity to be mentored and/or coached
  • An all-expense-paid trip to Nairobi to present their winning case during the AISCR conference


  • Second Prize
  • A US$250 gift will be awarded to each team member.
  • Opportunity to be mentored and/or coached
  • An all-expense-paid trip to Nairobi to present their winning case during the AISCR conference


  • Third Prize
  • A US$150 gift will be awarded to each team member.
  • Opportunity to be mentored and/or coached
  • An all-expense-paid trip to Nairobi to present their winning case during the AISCR conference

5. Presentation criteria

Kindly ensure that your presentation adheres to the following criteria:

  • A presentation should have no more than forty slides; a Word document should not exceed seven pages including references, appendix and annexe.
  • All presentations should use MS Office and Times New Roman. The font should be at least 24 for the main text and 40 for the heading.
  • All presentations must use PowerPoint presentation templates provided by AISCR.
  • Every team member must participate equally in the presentation.
  • Presentations will be evaluated on their responsiveness to the case criteria, style, and content.
  • The assessment of visual aids will be based on their contribution to the presentation.
  • No written materials or handouts will be given to the judges during the evaluation process.
  • The case analysis and the file name that is supplied should not contain the team members’ names or their respective universities or colleges.
  • If needed, fictional identities could be used to introduce the solution.
  • None of the teams being judged will have their schools’ names disclosed to the judges.
  • There will be several criteria considered for evaluation. The technical content, presenting abilities, case analysis style, presentation arrangement, and persuasiveness of recommendations and findings considering the case requirements are just a few of the many criteria that will be considered while assessing the presentations. During live presentations, it is strongly advised against reading notecards.

6. Important Dates

  • Registration submission deadline: 19 September 2024
  • Feedback due date: 30 September 2024
  • Date of presentation: 23 October 2024

For more information, kindly contact Dr Gladness Salema and Dr Chirchir

Dr. Gladness Salema

University of Dar es Salaam Business School

Dr. ezekiel kipkoech chirchir

Director Capacity Development & Accreditation
Kenya Institute Of Supplies Management (KISM)

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